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A New York City Chapter


Gracie McGraw: Country Music Royalty's Rising Star

A New York City Chapter

Gracie McGraw, the 25-year-old daughter of country music legends Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, is forging her own path in the Big Apple.

Pursuing an acting career in New York City, Gracie lives and breathes the vibrant energy of the metropolis. With a tattoo of the iconic Empire State Building adorning her body, she proudly carries a piece of her new home wherever she goes.

A Legacy of Talent

As the eldest daughter of country stars, Gracie has a musical lineage that runs deep in her veins. Like her famous parents, she possesses a captivating voice and a passion for performing.

Gracie has shared her talent with the world through both acting and singing. She has appeared in a short film and has released a single titled "Girl in a New York City." Her performances showcase her natural ability and her determination to make a name for herself outside of her family's shadow.


With her unwavering determination and undeniable talent, Gracie McGraw is poised to carve out her own unique niche in the entertainment industry. As she continues to pursue her dreams in the bustling streets of New York City, the world eagerly awaits the next chapter in her remarkable journey.

